
lyon & la tourette

This week has been intense.  My final review for studio is on Monday, and we've only been working on this project for 4 weeks.  For those of you that know architecture, you know it's not a lot of time.  Especially when you have other classes, and you're in Europe.  So unfortunately instead of finalizing my project in studio today (yep, still had class, even though it's Thanksgiving break!) I was told to rebuild it and redesign.  And although this makes me extremely unhappy - 5 days until the review and I haven't even drawn a full plan or section - I'm extremely excited that I'm going home in 20 days.  And in 10 days I'll be done with school work.  Hopefully then I'll be able to enjoy Paris for my last few days, instead of being stuck in studio.

Anyway, on a happier note, I took an awesome short weekend trip!  My roommate and I took the train down to Lyon, France.  Our main objective was to visit Le Corbusier's La Tourette, a monastery from the 1960's.  So we spent one night in Lyon, visiting the building and exploring the city.  It was really fun and so nice just to have a couple of days to relax and sleep a little bit - and gear up for impending doom, aka finals.

There was some sort of social movement or strike happening in Lyon so (of course) the train we wanted wasn't running.  So we had a couple of hours to kill before heading out to La Tourette.  We took the funicular  up to the Roman Theaters.  So cool.

There's also a beautiful basilica up on the hill over looking the city.

Finally, we made it out to La Tourette.  And were able to jump in on the tour, 30 minutes in.  It was in French and I was feeling lazy, so I mostly just took photos.  But, I've been waiting the last 3 1/2 years to see this right here, and it was amazing.

The next day we slept in then explored Lyon.  It's a really cute city and even though it's France's third largest city (after Paris and Marsaille) it seems like such a small town.  Everyone we met was so nice and extremely helpful and caring.  It was wonderful.   

Our train didn't leave until 7:00pm so we were able to enjoy the city at night.  Some people say that Lyon is the true "City of Lights" not Paris.  It was definitely a beautiful sight!

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