
self reflections on opportunities.

What if you wake up one day and you realize you don't like where you are?  You realize you're not satisfied with the life you're living, that your situation isn't the ideal.  Nothing is perfect, every flower needs rain.  You don't know the sun with out the shadow.

So what do you do?

You could continue.  You could keep going in the life you're living, unsatisfied.  Or you could jump ship.  You could give up when the going gets tough.

Or, you could change it.  Do something different.  Sit down, think about why you're unhappy.  Then, decide to do something you love.

There's an opportunity in every hardship.  Something good can come out of this.  But you've gotta believe it.  You've gotta remember there's someone in control.  And he's on your side.  He freaking loves you.  And he doesn't want to see you stuck.  He wants to set you in motion.

So don't sit back.  Don't waste time.  Don't let life happen.  Everyday is an opportunity for joy.  For new life, for freedom and for love.  Don't be caught in the shackles you've created for yourself.  Let yourself be released.  Accept your freedom that's already been purchased.

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